Reading & Listening notes

August Reading&Listening

Today, we’ve got a chain of events to unravel, as I do enjoy noticing the links between events & ideas and build a mind map of how something has influenced me. I’m not terribly good at it though -> there’re many facts and ideas in my head that I can’t attribute to anything in particular, […]

Reading & Listening notes

July Read&listen&watch

Read: I’ll be brief here -> my main reading is Thinking: Fast and Slow which is an amazing book with so many insights about inner working of us, human beings.From the fiction, I’ve re-read short stories by Ray Bradbury, and they are just so amazing! 15 pages can be so fulfilling! And while we’re on […]

Reading & Listening notes

June listening & Reading

AI Lex Fridman with Ben Goertzel Designing Data Intensive Applications with Martin Klepmann – Ok overview for brushing up concepts, interesting reminder that A in CAP theorem isn’t availability most of us consider practical; interesting idea of not having Unix pipes for data systems, like MySQL | ElasticSearch I’m slowly reading “Thinking – Fast […]